The house is set in India with a height of 27 floors and 40,000 square meters wide Ambani owned Mukes is known as "The Taj Mahal of the 21st Century". Luxury home prices is expected to reach about 9 billion
Facilities include a private cinema house that can accommodate 50 people, luxurious swimming pool, bar, library, health center and six floors of parking to accommodate approximately 168 cars personality.
Villa Leopolda - Prancis
Super luxury homes with soil vast reaches 29,000 square meters is located in France. The house is estimated to worth about 4 trillion.
Luxury homes are cared for by approximately 50 workers field facility is equipped personal gym, bowling alley, and an enormous garden and arranged neatly along olive groves covering about 20 acres, pool, stunning views directly overlooking the beach with 11 bedrooms.
Fairfield Pond - USA
Houses with an area of 63 acres of land reaching is housed in the Hamptons - the United States.
House prices as well as investor-owned businesses Ira Leon Rennert is estimated about 1.5 Billion. Luxury homes with five tennis courts and bowling green and comes with luxury hot tub for $ 1.3 Billion has very long dining room at 91 feet.
Hearst Mansion - USA
The house is equipped with 3 swimming pools in 6 separate residence. A house with 29 bedrooms is also equipped with night clubs and tennis courts.
Luxury homes are located in Beverly Hills stands on land which covers 6 hectares. This place is close to the residence of David Beckham and Tom Cruise.
The Pinnacle - USA
Homes with prices about 1.3 Trillion is owned house mate Tim and Edra Blixseth businessman. They are also a real estate developer who also became a producer.
This house has a super big wine warehouse, has an embedded heating system in the floor and a fireplace in the bathroom. The house belongs to a songwriter is also equipped with a gym and a massage and a luxurious swimming pool.
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