Thursday, 14 March 2013

How to Save Canvas Clutch Cars

Cars with a manual transmission is still an attraction for car users amid rampant car users with an automatic transmission. One disadvantage of a manual transmission is often rapid change clutch lining wear or depleted due to errors in driving standards. This error can cause us to have to always set aside money to replace the canvas clutch can cost quite expensive. This error occurs more frequently in the car used by the drivers who could drive a new car with are always stepping on / hang foot on the clutch pedal while
the car has been running smoothly.

Canvass car clutch can last for 3-4 years for normal use 30,000 to 40,000 miles (depending on the location and situation of the journey is often bypassed). Driving the wrong way in the use of the clutch coupling resulting age can only last about 1 year only.

In order to canvass the clutch can last for 3-4 years, then we should know the error in using the clutch and how to save on car clutch lining:

  • Hit the clutch pedal to get stuck (full) when the transfer of transmission, to keep the surface of clutch wear faster.
  • Remove the clutch slowly offset by stepping on the gas pedal to make the car stalled and there was no friction on the clutch the car.
  • Do not step on the clutch and hold too long when oper gear to avoid excessive friction on the clutch linings.
  • Do not step on the gas at the time of transfer or transmission gear shift gears, is also to reduce friction clutch lining.
  • Do not get to put a foot or hanging on the clutch pedal while the car is running, because we will not realize the legs will automatically lean to the clutch pedal that can cause little friction will eventually cause wear and spend canvas clutch unnoticed.
  • Saves canvas clutch stuck in a situation, it is better not too often trailing or attached to the front of the car with the balance between clutch and gas, you should let the car in front to move approximately 1 meter from our cars, then we follow up with keep and use the brakes hand / foot and neutralize the transmission back a long friction clutch on the canvass. Congestion is one of the main factors that make the clutch linings wear faster.
  • Better get used to neutralize the position of the transmission and use the handbrake jammed on the situation, climbs and the like, this is done because the main function of the clutch is to transfer power from the engine to the wheels of vehicles not to support the weight of the car.
  • Adjust speed or precision gear transmission rate, do not let the vehicle slow in high gear or reverse, adjust better to the instructions on the manual service book.
  • Try to make the transmission shift, up or down as smooth as possible to reduce the excessive friction clutch lining.
By knowing a few errors in driving that can lead to fast canvas clutch out and know how to drive a car well and know how to save canvas clutch the car so that we can save the use of canvas and also to keep the clutch performance auto parts.

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